
Rev. Dr. Judy Lee, RCWP, DMin, DSW,MSW,LCSW is a Roman Catholic Woman Priest ( ordained in Boston in 2008) and the semi-retired Pastor of Good Shepherd Ministries in Fort Myers, Florida. She loves helping those in need, pastoring her diverse flock and her popular blog writing ministry-FollowingSheWhoIs– judyabl.blog.
A pastor,a social worker, and a social work educator for 27 years she has advanced degrees from Columbia University SSW, Wurzweiler SSW of Yeshiva University and the Global Ministries University. She is a group worker who believes in the power of people to help one another. She is active in renewing the church and in enlivening the priesthood of all believers. Serving with people who are economically poor, homeless and marginalized is her passion. This work is described in her writing “Come By Here: Church with the Poor”(2011) and “The Empowerment Approach to Social Work Practice: Building the Beloved Community”(2001) and many other publications. She is Professor Emerita at the University of Connecticut.

4 responses to “About”

  1. Carole Balin says :

    Dear Rev. Lee:
    I am a rabbi and professor at Hebrew Union College in New York, and I’m preparing a lecture I’ll be giving at Fairfield University on collaboration/networking among female clergy across faith traditions. Would you be willing to speak to me about this topic? Please feel free to reach out to me at cbalin@huc.edu
    Blessings, carole

  2. Bill Hartman says :

    Member of the Trident Nein with Rev. Judy Beaumont! Interested to call and say hi! 856-305-6923

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